April Is National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month

McGraw Hill
2 min readApr 6, 2016

By House Resolution from Congressman Mike Honda

With Congratulatory Ceremony hosted by Congressman Mike Honda

On April 21 on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.

The NABE board and Representative Mike Honda (17th District, CA).

Bilingual Education Impacts Student Achievement

English Learners (ELs) are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. K–12 public school population. Numbering more than 5.5 million and representing 11 percent of all K–12 students, ELs must develop proficiency in English and knowledge of academic content to succeed in school, in the workforce, and in society. Most ELs speak Spanish, but collectively ELs speak more than 400 home languages. ELs have varying degrees of English-language proficiency, prior formal schooling, academic background, knowledge and literacy — in both their native language and in English. And more than 4.4 million students enrolled in US public schools participate in English learner programs because of linguistic barriers to learning in regular classrooms.

Source: Impact of bilingual education on student achievement. IZA World of Labor 2015

Academic achievement of EL students is of national importance.

Even the pronunciation of a student’s name can influence the successful assimilation of English learners. In fact, mispronouncing a student’s name can even impact their academic progress.

Our support of National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month underscores our company’s overall commitment to diversity and our vision of unlocking the full potential of each learner, and is demonstrated through our promotion of a diverse, inclusive workplace. We are committed to providing appropriate scaffolds across all curriculum areas to help students learn academic language and increase proficiency (including our K-6 core programs such as Maravillas, a Spanish Language Arts program that supports students as they become bilingual and bi-literate.)

Let’s celebrate and extend national awareness of the impact bilingual education has on student achievement in April.



McGraw Hill

Helping educators and students find their path to what’s possible. No matter where the starting point may be.